Hello… My name is Nicole Prigge-Taylor and I’m addicted to this Easy Quick-Pickle Recipe. Would I do some pretty damn questionable things for really good pickles? You tell me…Good thing I can make my own now, huh?!

The first time I tried the Easy Quick-Pickle process I was so pissed that I didn’t know about it sooner. It takes 10 minutes of prep, an hour start to finish, and is wicked simple. Now imagine me sitting on the couch surrounded by empty jars 2-3 days later…
Where To Get Vegetables for Easy Quick-Pickle Recipe
Would I love to be able to say I grow everything in my garden? Yes! Would I go insane if I tried to multitask that hard? Also, yes! There is no shame in the supermarket game. Whether you buy all your ingredients or grow them all, this recipe is still pretty bomb dot com!
How to Start the Easy Quick-Pickle Process
One more thing, while all the steps take about ten minutes, I usually allow an hour from start to finish so that the brine can cool down. If you don’t let it cool down, your pickles will be a touch on the mushy side (to each there own, maybe your a serial killer and you like that sort of thing). If you’re not a psycho, start this recipe, eat dinner, watch the Ted Bundy biography on Netflix and return to it after you’re in a blissful food coma. Multitasking brownie points!
Easy Quick-Pickle Recipe Ingredients:
- 6-8 canning cucumbers/pickles (ya know, the nice short stubby ones)
- 3-8 cloves of garlic (follow your heart, you know how much you like garlic)
- fresh or dried dill (I grow it in the garden, but not going to hate if you go store-bought)
- 1 cup of water
- 1 cup of distilled vinegar (if you are in love with apple cider vinegar, red wine vinegar, etc. you can totally give those a try; I’m a purist, but don’t let me box you in)
- Optional: Peppercorn (to taste)
- Optional: sliced jalapeños (to taste)
Easy Quick-Pickle Recipe Directions:
- Combine water and distilled vinegar in a sauce pan. Bring to a boil. Now set it aside and let it cool all the way down (yes all the way down and no don’t rush this step) Hint: this bad boy is called your brine. We will come back to it later.
- Multitasking opportunity coming your way….
- Slice up all of your canning cucumbers/pickles (I like mine about 1/8-1/4″ thick, but again, follow your heart)
- Prepare your garlic cloves (take the outer casing off)
- Now that your brine is cool… fill a mason jar with all of your sliced cucumbers and fill that sucker up with brine!
- Top with garlic, dill, jalapeños, and/or peppercorn
Other Recipes & Dill How To’s

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